Alexander Severus

Alexander Severus
(Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander)
   Emperor of Rome 222–35. Born in Phoenicia, Alexander was adopted by the Emperor Heliogabalus, and after his foster-father’s murder, succeeded him as emperor. Alexander continued the friendly policy towards the Jews that had prevailed under CARACALLA, probably to win their allegiance in his war against the Persians.
   Alexander has been identified with the ‘Severus son of Antoninus’ twice mentioned with approbation in the Talmud (Nidda 45a, Avodah Zarah 10a). It has also been suggested that the Synagogue of Severus in Rome was named after him.
   Though he may have gained some measure of popularity among the Jews, this was not so among his own troops, who killed him during a campaign on the Rhine.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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