Theodosius II

Theodosius II
   East Roman emperor 408–50. Theodosius was the compiler of the first official abstract of imperial decrees, the Theodosian Code, published in 438. In Book 16, chapters 8 and 9 of the code, is gathered together the legislation on the Jews then current. Judaism was once more proclaimed a tolerated cult, with the pro-viso that it should not offend the Christian faith. Yet the reign of Theodosius II saw a decisive worsening in the civil status of the Jews. They were treated as second-class citizens, subject to severe restrictions regarding the owning of slaves, pleading in the courts, and the holding of civil or military posts. The construction of new synagogues was forbidden; and when Patriarch Gamaliel ignored this prohibition, he was dismissed and the office abolished when he died. The title of patriarch was transferred to the bishop of Jerusalem in 451. There was a growing belief that the Jews perverted Christian rituals for their own worship. In the first year of his reign, Theodosius II had passed an edict against Purim festivities, on suspicion that the Jews burned effigies of the cross at that time. Later, an incident at Antioch, in Asia Minor, showed how much such stories took root in the popular mind. The Jews there were accused of suspending a Christian boy on the cross and flogging him. In retaliation, the outraged Christians of the town seized the synagogues. The Roman prefect of Syria notified the emperor, whereupon Theodosius promptly issued an injunction ordering the citizens to restore the buildings to their rightful owners. Horrified, the saintly Simon Stylites, from the pillar on which he dwelt, addressed a letter of protest to the emperor. So great was the authority of the hermit that Theodosius revoked his decree in 423 and dismissed the prefect. This episode foreshadowed later accusations against the Jews of ritual murder. Theodosius’ rule also saw the first example of an action later frequently resorted to by Western authorities when in 415 Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, expelled all the Jewish inhabitants of the town.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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