Torquemada, Tomás de

Torquemada, Tomás de
   Grand inquisitor of Spain. The prior Torquemada was appointed confessor to FERDINAND AND ISABELLA, joint monarchs of Spain, in 1474. Although he himself was of Jewish descent (according to the Catholic Encyclopedia), he was a ferocious opponent of Jews and of Marranos, Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity. The whole of the Inquisition in Spain was brought under Torquemada’s control in 1483. Prosecutions against crypto-Jews, other spiritual offenders and witches were conducted on an unprecedented scale by tribunals set up in all the towns, and many thousands were tortured, killed and punished in other ways. Torquemada’s name became a symbol of persecution and fanaticism while he was still alive. Although his jurisdiction extended only over Christian heretics, he instigated expulsion orders against the Jews in Andalusia in 1483 and Albarracín in 1486. He also publicized a story accusing the Jews of having crucified a Christian child in La Guardia in 1490, to whip up public frenzy and clamour for the eventual expulsion of the Jews from the kingdom, that took place in 1492. A probably legendary tale tells how Don Isaac ABRABANEL offered King Ferdinand thirty thousand dinars to revoke the expulsion decree; as the king hesitated, Torquemada burst into the room, brandishing a crucifix and castigating the king as Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • TORQUEMADA, TOMÁS DE° — (1420?–1498), first head of the Spanish inquisition . Probably born in Valladolid, he entered the dominican Order at the age of 14, and soon took his place among the strictest members of the monastery. At the age of 32 he became prior of the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Torquemada, Tomás de — • Grand Inquisitor of Spain (1420 1498) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Torquemada, Tomás de — born 1420, Valladolid, Castile died Sept. 16, 1498, Ávila, Castile First grand inquisitor in Spain (1487–98). A Dominican prior, he became confessor and adviser to Ferdinand V and Isabella I. He guided the Spanish Inquisition, directing its… …   Universalium

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  • Torquemada, Tomàs de —  (1420–1498) Spanish monk who organized the Inquisition …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • TORQUEMADA, Tomás de — (1420 1498)    the Spanish GRAND INQUISITOR responsible for the death of about 2,000 Spanish MUSLIMS and JEWS and causing untold suffering to many people whom he expelled from Spain …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Tomas de Torquemada —     Tomás de Torquemada     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Tomás de Torquemada     First Grand Inquisitor of Spain, born at Valladolid in 1420; died at Avila, 16 September, 1498. He was a nephew of the celebrated theologian and Cardinal, Juan de… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • TORQUEMADA (T. de) — TORQUEMADA TOMÁS DE (1420 1498) Célèbre inquisiteur espagnol. Neveu du théologien Jean de Torquemada (archevêque de Valladolid et défenseur du pape contre la théorie conciliaire au concile de Bâle), Thomas était, comme son oncle, frère prêcheur.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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