Vespasian, Titus Flavius

Vespasian, Titus Flavius
(c. 9–79)
   Roman emperor 69–79. Vespasian was born to middle-class parents. He trained for the army and served in Thrace, Crete, Cyrene and Britain. He was at Emperor Nero’s headquarters in Greece in 66 when he was sent at the head of a large expeditionary force to subdue the Jewish revolt in Judea. Steadily and systematically the Roman war machine worked its way through the country, starving town and village into submission. Jerusalem in its mountain stronghold was left to the last. Before the siege began, Nero died and was followed in quick succession by Emperors Galba, Otto and Vitellius Aulus. Vespasian left the taking of Jerusalem to his son TITUS and went to Egypt, where he was proclaimed emperor by his army in 69. After a brief civil war, in which Vitellius Aulus was defeated and killed, Vespasian was established as emperor.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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