Zadkine, Ossip

Zadkine, Ossip
   Sculptor. The work of Russian-born Ossip Zadkine was influenced by primitive art and later in Paris by the cubist movement. His greatest work, The Destroyed City, stands in Rotterdam. It shows an agonized woman with outstretched arms warding off falling bombs, and symbolizing the ruthless aerial attack on the city by the Nazis in 1940. ZAMENHOF, Ludwik Lazar 1859– 1917. Polish inventor of Esperanto. Zamenhof was a Polish eye specialist, and the son of a language teacher. After years of research, he published in 1887 a handbook for Esperanto, a synthetic international language with a simplified vocabulary and grammar. In 1905 he convened in Paris the first of a number of international conferences in support of the language.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • ZADKINE, OSSIP — (1890–1967), sculptor. Born in Smolensk, Russia, Zadkine studied in London. After serving as a stretcher bearer in the French army in World War I, he resumed his career in Paris. When the Nazis invaded France in 1940, Zadkine took refuge in the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Zadkine, Ossip — born July 14, 1890, Smolensk, Russia died Nov. 25, 1967, Paris, France Russian born French sculptor. Educated in England, he moved to Paris in 1909 and studied at the École des Beaux Arts. Influenced by both Cubism and Classical Greek sculpture,… …   Universalium

  • Zadkine, Ossip — (1890 1967)    sculptor, engraver    Of Russian origin, Ossip Zadkine was born in Smolensk and studied in London and Paris (1909), where he became interested in the work of auguste rodin and in African sculpture. The cubist experience determined… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Zadkine, Ossip — (1890 1967)    Russian sculptor. Born in Russia, he was influenced by primitive art and later in Paris by cubism. His work includes The Destroyed City …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Zadkine, Ossip — (14 jul. 1890, Smolensko, Rusia–25 nov. 1967, París, Francia). Escultor francés de origen ruso. Educado en Inglaterra, se trasladó a París en 1909 y estudió en la École des Beaux Arts. Influenciado tanto por el cubismo como por la escultura… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Zadkine — Ossip Zadkine Ossip Zadkine Naissance 14 juillet 1890 Vitebsk en Biélorussie Décès 25 novembre 1967 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Zadkine — (Ossip) (1890 1967) sculpteur français d origine russe. Cubiste, il évolua vers un expressionnisme baroque …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ossip Zadkine — Orpheus (1956) Zadki …   Wikipedia

  • Zadkine — Kyrillisch (Russisch) Осип Цадкин Transl.: Osip Cadkin Transkr.: Ossip Zadkin Ossip Zadkine (* …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ossip Zadkine — Escultura Großer Orpheus (1956). Ossip Zadkine (Smolensk, 1890 París, 1967). Fue un escultor ruso. Biografía Fue enviado a Sunderland en 1905 para estudiar inglés, pero en su lugar empezó a asistir a clases de arte. En 19 …   Wikipedia Español

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