Benjamin, Judah Philip

Benjamin, Judah Philip
   US lawyer and statesman. Born to British parents in the Virgin Islands, Benjamin became a successful South Carolina lawyer. In 1852 he was the first professing Jew to be elected to the US Senate. When Louisiana seceded from the Union, Benjamin was appointed attorney general in the Confederate Cabinet, then secretary of state to President Jefferson Davis. After the defeat of the South, he practised law in England and was made a queen’s counsel.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • BENJAMIN, JUDAH PHILIP — (1811–1884), U.S. lawyer and statesman. Benjamin was undoubtedly the most prominent 19th century American Jew. He was a noted lawyer, whose services were requested in connection with some of the most significant legal disputes of the time, a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Benjamin,Judah Philip — Benjamin, Judah Philip. 1811 1884. British born American politician who served as Confederate secretary of war (1861 1862) and secretary of state (1862 1865). * * * …   Universalium

  • Benjamin, Judah Philip — (1818 84)    American lawyer and statesman. He was born in the Virgin Islands. He was elected to the US Senate in 1852. In 1861 he became attorney general of the Confederate government and later served as secretary of state until the collapse of… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Judah Philip Benjamin — Judah Philip Benjamin. Judah Philip Benjamin (6 de agosto de 1811, St. Croix 6 de mayo de 1884, París) fue un destacado jurisconsulto estadounidense, que fue miembro del gabinete confederado. Siendo muy joven se mudó con sus padres a Carolina del …   Wikipedia Español

  • Judah Philip Benjamin — (1811 1884) Judah Philip Benjamin (* 6. August 1811 in Saint Croix, damals Dänische Kolonie, heute Teil der Amerikanischen Jungferninseln; † 8. Mai 1884 in Paris, Frankreich) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker und währen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Benjamin — /ben jeuh meuhn/, n. 1. the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel, and the brother of Joseph. Gen. 35:18. 2. one of the 12 tribes of ancient Israel traditionally descended from him. 3. Asher, 1773 1845, U.S. architect and writer. 4. Judah Philip, 1811 …   Universalium

  • benjamin — /ben jeuh meuhn/, n. benzoin1 (def. 2). [1570 80; alter. (by assoc. with the proper name) of benjoin, early form of BENZOIN1] * * * (as used in expressions) Banneker Benjamin Benjamin Judah Philip Benjamin Walter Benjamin Kubelsky Bloch Marc… …   Universalium

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  • Philip — /fil ip/, n. 1. one of the 12 apostles. Mark 3:18; John 1:43 48; 6:5 7. 2. one of the leaders of the Christian Hellenists in the early church in Jerusalem who afterwards became an evangelist and missionary. Acts 6; 8:26 40. 3. King (Metacomet),… …   Universalium

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