Bettelheim, Bruno

Bettelheim, Bruno
   American psychologist. Bettelheim was born in Vienna and educated at the University of Vienna. After being imprisoned by the Nazis in Dachau and Buchenwald, he emigrated to the United States where he settled in Chicago.
   His experiences in the concentration camps were pivotal in his life. While there he interviewed more than 1500 prisoners and subsequently published his researches in Individual and Mass Behaviour in Extreme Situations (1943) and The Informed Heart: Autonomy in a Mass Age (1960). Later he concentrated his attention on autistic children. He maintained that autism was the result of the child’s perception that his life was totally controlled by irrational and frightening forces. His methods and progress with these children were reported in The Empty Fortress: Infantile Autism and the Birth of Self (1967). Later he explored the communal child-rearing practices of the Israeli kibbutz which he described in his best-seller Children of the Dream (1967). Later he emphasized the value of traditional myth, legend and folklore in The Uses of Enchantment: the Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (1976).

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • BETTELHEIM, BRUNO — (1903–1990), U.S. psychologist and educator, best known for his pioneering techniques in the treatment of emotionally disturbed children and his analysis of the psychological aspects of racial prejudice. Born in Vienna, Bettelheim studied at the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bettelheim, Bruno — born Aug. 28, 1903, Vienna, Austria died March 13, 1990, Silver Spring, Md., U.S. Austrian U.S. psychologist. Trained in Vienna, he was arrested by the Nazis and interned in concentration camps (1938–39). He immigrated to the U.S., where from… …   Universalium

  • Bettelheim,Bruno — Bet·tel·heim (bĕtʹl hīm ), Bruno. 1903 1990. Austrian born American psychologist noted for his studies of children and education. His works include Love Is Not Enough (1950) and The Uses of Enchantment (1976). * * * …   Universalium

  • Bettelheim, Bruno — (1903 90)    American psychologist and educator. He was born in Vienna. In 1938 he was transported to the Dachau concentration camp and then to Buchenwald. In 1939 he was released and settled in the US. He was principal of the University of… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Bettelheim, Bruno — (28 ago. 1903, Viena, Austria–13 mar. 1990, Silver Spring, Md., EE.UU.). Psicólogo estadounidense de origen austríaco. Formado en Viena, fue arrestado por los nazis y enviado a los campos de concentración (1938–39). Emigró a EE.UU., donde a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bettelheim, Bruno —  (1903–1990) Austrian born American child psychologist …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Bruno Bettelheim — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bruno Bettelheim (n. 28 de agosto de 1903, en Viena, Austria † 13 de marzo de 1990, en Chicago, Estados Unidos) fue un escritor y psicólogo infantil austriaco. Contenido 1 Biografía …   Wikipedia Español

  • BETTELHEIM (B.) — BETTELHEIM BRUNO (1903 1990) Psychanalyste américain d’origine autrichienne, Bruno Bettelheim fit des études de psychologie et de psychiatrie à l’université de Vienne, sa ville natale. Il acquit ensuite une solide formation psychanalytique.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bettelheim — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bettelheim: Bruno Bettelheim Charles Bettelheim Obtenido de Bettelheim Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bettelheim — (Bruno) (1903 1990) psychanalyste américain d orig. autrichienne: la Forteresse vide (1967), sur l autisme …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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