Bustanai, Ben-Chaninai

Bustanai, Ben-Chaninai
(c. 618–70)
   Babylonian exilarch. Many legends surround Bustanai’s birth and his appointment as exilarch by the Moslem Arab conquerors of Babylonia.
   Bustanai’s marriage to a captive Persian princess had halachic repercussions in later gaonic literature, where the descendants of Bustanai’s Jewish wives wished to assert their precedence over those of the Persian wife. It was later accepted that Bustanai, prior to his marriage to the princess, had first freed her and converted her to Judaism.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • Bustanai, Ben-Chaninai — (c. 618 70)    Babylonian exilarch. His marriage to a captive Persian princess had halakhic implications in later gaonic literature, where the descendants of his Jewish wives wished to assert their precedence over those of a Persian wife. It was… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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  • Bostanai — (auch: Bustanai, voller Name: Bostanai ben Chaninai; * um 618; † 670) war der erste Exilarch nach der arabischen Eroberung Babyloniens und Begründer der babylonischen Exilarchen Dynastie. Der Exilarch war jeweils das Haupt der exilierten Juden,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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