
   King of the Franks 768–814. Charlemagne was king of the Franks from 768 and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 800. Anxious to improve the economy of his widespread realm, Charlemagne encouraged Jewish traders to settle in France and Germany, granting to individuals and groups privileges and charters. He promised to protect the lives, limbs and property of the merchants concerned, in return for an annual tax which was set around 10 per cent of their income. Jews were permitted to own slaves, whom they might import from abroad, and attempts to convert such slaves to Christianity were firmly discouraged. In spite of ecclesiastical demands, Jews were allowed to employ free Christians, provided that they granted them days of rest on Sundays and Christian holy days. Jewish courts could settle disputes between Jews.
   Though more restrictive legislation was brought in towards the end of Charlemagne’s reign, Jewish settlements flourished in southern France, Champagne, Lorraine and in the Rhineland. With their knowledge of trade routes to the east, Jewish merchants were able to expand the trade of the West. They were also of value as interpreters and one Jew, ISAAC OF AACHEN, was actually sent to the caliph of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid, as an ambassador of the emperor.
   From the 12 century onwards legendary tales of Charlemagne’s benevolence to the Jews were current among Jewish communities. He is credited with having appointed a nasi (Jewish leader) of Narbonne, granting special rights to the Jews of that city as a reward for their support when it was besieged by the Moslems. The importance of Charlemagne in Jewish history lies in his awarding the Jews a special status under his personal protection, a policy continued by his son Louis the Pious and subsequent emperors.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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