DONNOLO, SHABBETAI — (913–c. 982), Italian physician and writer on medicine. He was born in Oria, Italy. The name Donnolo is Greek in origin but is common among Jews in its Arabic form Dunash. Such details of his life as are known have come from an autobiographical… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Donnolo, Shabbetai — (913 c. 982) Italian physician. He was born in Oria. He travelled widely and served as physician to the Byzantine governor in Calabria and to church officials. He wrote a commentary on the Sepher Yetzirah. His Book of Remedies was the first… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Donnolo — Schabbtai Donnolo (hebr. שבתי דונולו; geb. 913 in Oria, gest. nach 982) war ein italienischer Arzt und Autor medizinischer Werke. Die meisten Informationen zu Donnolo entstammen einer autobiographischen Skizze, die er seinem bekanntesten Werk,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schabbtai Donnolo — (hebr. שבתי דונולו; * 913 in Oria; † nach 982) war ein italienischer Arzt und Autor medizinischer Werke. Die meisten Informationen zu Donnolo entstammen einer autobiographischen Skizze, die er seinem bekanntesten Werk, dem Sefer Chachmoni (hebr.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shabbethai Donnolo — Sefer Ha Yakar by Shabbetai Donnolo Shabbethai Donnolo (913 – c. 982) (Hebrew: שבתי דונולו) was an Italian physician, and writer on medicine and astrology born at Oria. When twelve years of age he was made prisoner by the Arabs under the… … Wikipedia
Sabbataï Donnolo — (hébreu: שבתי דונולו) est un médecin et astronome juif italien né à Oria dans les Pouilles en 913 et mort après 982. Il est le plus vieil auteur connu de traités de médecine parmi les Juifs[1] mais aussi dans l Europe chrétienne[2]. Biographie… … Wikipédia en Français
KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… … Universalium
HEBREW LANGUAGE — This entry is arranged according to the following scheme: pre biblical biblical the dead sea scrolls mishnaic medieval modern period A detailed table of contents precedes each section. PRE BIBLICAL nature of the evidence the sources phonology… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
CASTELLI, DAVID — (1836–1901), Italian scholar. Castelli was born in Leghorn. From 1876 until his death he taught Hebrew at the Institute of Higher Studies in Florence. Castelli introduced higher biblical criticism, which was developing in Germany and in Italy. He … Encyclopedia of Judaism