Gamaliel III

Gamaliel III
(3rd century)
   Nasi. Gamaliel succeeded his father JUDAH HA-NASI as nasi, or patriarch, and at the same time retained the leadership of the Sanhedrin. These two offices were separated only after the death of his son and successor, Judah Nesiah. Among Gamaliel’s pupils were numbered the greatest sages of the next generation, including Samuel, Hanina and Jochanan. He was responsible for the ruling which invalidated the ritual slaughter of the Samaritans.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • Gamaliel III — (3rd century CE) was the son of Rabbi Judah haNasi (Judah I), who appointed him his successor as nasi. Little is known about his activities, but it is likely that the revision of the Mishnah was completed during his era. The Mishna Pirkey Avoth… …   Wikipedia

  • Gamaliel III. — Gamaliel III. (רבן גמליאל) war ein jüdischer Patriarch des 3. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts, Patriarch in den Jahren 217 235 (in welchem Jahr er auch starb). Er war der Sohn des berühmten Jehuda ha Nasi, des Hauptredaktors der Mischna, mit dem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gamaliel III — (IIIe siècle EC) était le fils de Rabbi Yehouda HaNassi qui l a nommé comme son successeur en tant que nassi. Sa vie est peu connue mais il est probable que la révision de la Mishna a été terminée sous son règne. La Mishna reporte trois de ses… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Gamaliel III — ▪ Jewish scholar flourished 3rd century AD       eldest son of Judah ha Nasi, and the renowned editor of the Mishna (the basic compilation of Jewish oral law).       A direct descendant of the sage Hillel, Gamaliel became patriarch of the Jewish… …   Universalium

  • Gamaliel III — (fl. 3rd cent)    Palestinian elder, son of Judah ha Nasi. He was appointed nasi in the first half of the 3rd century …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Hillel, son of Gamaliel III — Hillel, son of Gamaliel III, was a Jewish scholar in the 3rd century CE. He was son of Gamaliel III, brother of Judah II, and probably a pupil of his grandfather Judah I. Of his early history nothing is known. As illustrating his modesty the… …   Wikipedia

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