Goldman, Emma

Goldman, Emma
   US anarchist. Emma Goldman came to the United States from Russia as a girl of sixteen. She devoted her life to spreading the anarchist creed in lectures and print and published a journal, Mother Earth (1906–18). The state, the church and the capitalist system were denounced by her as trampling on individual freedom. She also openly advocated birth control.
   In World War I she was imprisoned for campaigning against the draft and in 1919 deported to Russia. Two years later she fled to Paris, disillusioned with the Soviet system. Her two-volume autobiography, Living My Life, was published in 1931.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • GOLDMAN, EMMA — (1869–1940), U.S. anarchist writer and lecturer, leading advocate of anarchism in the United States. Goldman, born in Kovno, Lithuania, grew up there and in Koenigsberg and St. Petersburg, immigrating to the United States in 1885. Her independent …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Goldman, Emma — born June 27, 1869, Kovno, Lith., Russian Empire died May 14, 1940, Toronto, Ont., Can. International anarchist. She immigrated to the U.S. in 1885, settling in Rochester, N.Y. Moving to New York City in 1889, she formed a close association with… …   Universalium

  • Goldman,Emma — Gold·man (gōldʹmən), Emma. 1869 1940. Russian born American anarchist. Jailed repeatedly for her advocacy of birth control and opposition to military conscription, she was deported to the Soviet Union in 1919. Her writings include My… …   Universalium

  • Goldman, Emma — (1869 1940)    American anarchist. She was born in Kovno, Lithuania, and emigrated to the US in 1885. Her lectures and journal Mother Earth) aimed to illustrate the injustice of American society. In 1919 she was deported to the USSR. She… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Goldman, Emma — (27 jun. 1869, Kovno, Lituania, Imperio ruso–14 may. 1940, Toronto, Ontario, Canadá). Anarquista internacional. Inmigró a EE.UU. en 1885 y se instaló en Rochester, N.Y. En 1889 se trasladó a Nueva York, donde trabó amistad con el anarquista ruso… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Emma Goldman — Goldman circa 1911 Full name Emma Goldman Born June 27, 1869(1869 06 27) Kovno, Russian Empire Died May 14 …   Wikipedia

  • Emma Goldmann — Emma Goldman, 1911 Emma Goldman (* 27. Juni 1869 in Kowno, heute Litauen; † 14. Mai 1940 in Toronto, Kanada) war eine US amerikanische Anarchistin und Friedensaktivistin. Sie wurde bekannt durch ihre Schriften und Reden, als „rebellische Frau …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Emma Goldman — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emma Goldman Retrato de Emma Goldman …   Wikipedia Español

  • Emma goldman — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Goldman. Emma Goldman …   Wikipédia en Français

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