Heifetz, Jascha

Heifetz, Jascha
   US violinist. Lithuanian-born Heifetz was a child prodigy, performing in public from the age of seven and appearing as a soloist with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra when he was eleven. The family escaped from Russia at the time of the 1917 revolution, reached the United States where he settled in Beverley Hills, California. He was acknowledged as one of the leading violinists of all times. In 1925, his fees for his Palestine tour were donated for a concert hall. He played with the Israel Symphony Orchestra in 1950, 1953 and 1970.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • HEIFETZ, JASCHA — (1901–1987), U.S. violinist. Born in Vilna, Lithuania, Heifetz started playing at the age of three under his father s tuition, and later studied at the Vilna music school. At seven he played the Mendelssohn violin concerto in public and at 10… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Heifetz, Jascha — born Feb. 2, 1901, Vilnius, Lithuania, Russian Empire died Dec. 10, 1987, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S. Lithuanian born U.S. violinist. He studied with his father from age five, performing Felix Mendelssohn s Violin Concerto at age eight. From 1909… …   Universalium

  • Heifetz,Jascha — Hei·fetz (hīʹfĭts), Jascha. 1901 1987. Russian born American violinist. Considered among the world s best violinists at the age of 13, he matured into a great artist, tempering his virtuoso technique with thoughtful interpretation. * * * …   Universalium

  • Heifetz, Jascha — (1901 87)    American violinist, of Lithuanian origin. Born in Vilna, he performed in public from the age of seven. He studied at the St Petersburg Conservatory, and at 11 began performing throughout Europe. The family escaped from Russia during… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Heifetz, Jascha — (2 feb. 1901, Vilnius, Lituania, Imperio ruso–10 dic. 1987, Los Ángeles, Cal., EE.UU.). Violinista estadounidense de origen lituano. Desde los cinco años estudió con su padre y a los ocho años tocó el Concierto para violín de Felix Mendelssohn.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Heifetz, Jascha —  (1901–1987) Russian born American violinist …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

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  • Jascha Heifetz — Nom de naissance Iossif Robertovitch Heifetz Naissance 2 février 1901 Vilnius, Lituanie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Heifetz — Jascha Heifetz Jascha Heifetz Jascha Heifetz, né le 2 février 1900 à Vilnius et mort le 10 décembre 1987 à Los Angeles, est un violoniste russe naturalisé américain (1925). S …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Heifetz — (Jascha) (1899 1987) violoniste américain d origine lituanienne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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