Hirsch, Samson Raphael

Hirsch, Samson Raphael
   Modern Orthodox rabbi. Hirsch was born in Hamburg. Although his family was strictly Orthodox, he was also encouraged to pursue secular learning and he studied at the University of Bonn. After ordination, Hirsch served congregations in Oldenberg, Hanover and Moravia. The Reform movement was highly influential in 19th-century Germany. In order to counteract its impact, Hirsch was invited in 1851 to become the leader of the Orthodox congregation at Hamburg where he built up a flourishing congregation. In particular he founded schools in which secular studies were taught along with traditional yeshivah subjects and the principle followed was ‘Torah im Derekh’ (Jewish Law together with the ways of the world). Hirsch insisted on strict adherence to Jewish Law while being open to the knowledge of the secular world. He is generally regarded as one of the most influential figures of modern Orthodoxy.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • Hirsch, Samson Raphael — born June 20, 1808, Hamburg died Dec. 31, 1888, Frankfurt on Main, Ger. German Jewish scholar. He served as rabbi in Oldenburg, Emden, Nikolsburg, and Frankfurt am Main. In his Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel (1836), he expounded his system of Neo… …   Universalium

  • Hirsch, Samson Raphael — (1808 88)    German rabbi and writer. He was born in Hamburg. He served as a rabbi at Oldenburg and Emden, and as chief rabbi of Moravia (from 1846); from 1851 he was a rabbi in Frankfurt am Main. He was the founder of neo Orthodoxy, which… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Hirsch, Samson Raphael — (20 jun. 1808, Hamburgo–31 dic. 1888, Francfort del Meno, Alemania). Erudito judío alemán. Fue rabino en Oldenburg, Emden, Nikolsburg y Francfort del Meno. En sus Diecinueve cartas de Ben Uziel (1836), enunció su sistema neoortodoxo, que… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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