Jewess of Toledo

Jewess of Toledo
(12th century)
   According to a story that has formed the basis of many literary works, Alfonso VIII, king of Castile (1155–1214), was so enamoured of a beautiful Jewess called Fermosa (or Raquel) that he ignored his wife, the daughter of England’s Henry II, for seven years and ‘paid no heed to the government or to any other matter’. In the first account of the story, related by Alfonso’s grand-nephew, Alfonso x in his ‘History of Spain’, the notables (perhaps goaded by the queen) resolved to remind the king of his duties by murdering his mistress. Fermosa’s story became a popular literary theme in Spanish, French and German. The most recent version appeared in Lion Feucht- wanger’s novel, Raquel, The Jewess of Toledo, published in English in 1956. Over the years, Fermosa or Raquel’s fictional character varied from that of a scheming whore to that of a second Esther.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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