Kollek, Theodor (Teddy)

Kollek, Theodor (Teddy)
(b. 1911)
   Israeli politician. Kollek was born in Vienna. He emigrated to Palestine in 1934 where he joined the En Ger Kibbutz. From 1940–7 he worked in the political department of the Jewish Agency. In 1947/48 he represented the Haganah in the United States and in 1951/52 was Israel’s Minister Plenipotentiary in Washington DC. He served in the Prime Minister’s Office from 1952– 64; he was Chairman of the Israeli Tourist Corporation from 1956–64 and in 1965 he was elected Mayor of Jerusalem. His autobiography, For Jerusalem, appeared in 1978.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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