Laski, Harold Joseph

Laski, Harold Joseph
   British political economist and socialist leader. Laski was a leading left-wing political theorist, a brilliant lecturer and a prolific writer. At the London School of Economics, where he was professor of political science, he taught a generation of students the principles of Fabian socialism.
   Laski did not confine himself to academic life, but was active in Labour Party politics. He served on the National Executive from 1936 and as party chairman in 1945–6, and was a member of a number of public commissions. His books include A Grammar of Politics (1925), The State in Theory and Practice (1935), Parliamentary Government in England (1938), The American Presidency (1940) and The American Democracy (1949).
   Though his father, Nathan, was a leader of the Manchester community, Laski took little interest in Jewish questions, and was an avowed left-wing assimilationist until the rise of HITLER. He then moved closer to Zionism and supported the Jewish state plank in the Labour Party platform.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • LASKI, HAROLD JOSEPH — (1893–1950), British left wing socialist and political theorist. Born in Manchester, he was the son of Nathan laski . At the age of 18, Laski eloped with a non Jewish woman eight years older than himself. He was educated at Oxford and was… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Laski,Harold Joseph — Las·ki (lăsʹkē), Harold Joseph. 1893 1950. British political scientist and member of the Fabian Society who led the British Labor Party (1945 1946). * * * …   Universalium

  • Laski, Harold Joseph — ▪ British political scientist born June 30, 1893, Manchester, England died March 24, 1950, London  British political scientist, educator, and prominent member of the British Labour Party who turned to Marxism in his effort to interpret the… …   Universalium

  • Laski, Harold Joseph — ► (1893 1950) Político y economista británico. Fue presidente del comité ejecutivo del Partido Laborista en 1945 …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Harold Joseph Laski — Harold Laski Harold Joseph Laski (* 30. Juni 1893 in Manchester; † 24. März 1950 in London) war ein englischer Politikwissenschaftler, Ökonom, Autor und Dozent, und hatte den Vorsitz der Labour Partei in Großbritannien zwisch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Harold Joseph Laski — Harold Laski Harold Laski Harold Joseph Laski (Manchester, 30 juin 1893 – Londres 24 mars 1950) est un théoricien politique anglais qui fut président du Parti travailliste britannique de 1945 à 1946 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Laski — Laski, Harold Joseph …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Harold Laski — Harold Joseph Laski (* 30. Juni 1893 in Manchester; † 24. März 1950 in London) war ein englischer Politikwissenschaftler, Ökonom, Autor und Dozent, und hatte den Vorsitz der Labour Partei in Großbritannien zwischen 1945 und 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Harold J. Laski — Harold Laski Harold Laski Harold Joseph Laski (Manchester, 30 juin 1893 – Londres 24 mars 1950) est un théoricien politique anglais qui fut président du Parti travailliste britannique de 1945 à 1946 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Harold Laski — Harold Joseph Laski (Manchester, 30 juin 1893 – Londres 24 mars 1950) est un théoricien politique anglais qui fut président du Parti travailliste britannique de 1945 à 1946 et l un des professeurs les plus célèbres de la London School of… …   Wikipédia en Français

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