Levontin, Zalman David

Levontin, Zalman David
   Eretz Israel pioneer. Levontin was an early Chovevei Zion (‘Lover of Zion’) and in 1882 settled in Palestine, where he was head of the group that founded the Rishon le-Zion settlement. In 1901 HERZL made him director of the Jewish Colonial Trust in London (the ‘bank’ of the Zionist Organization). In 1903 he went back to Palestine as head of the Anglo-Palestine Company, which became the major banking institution of the yishuv and developed into the Bank Leumi le-Israel. LEVY, Uriah Phillips 1791– 1862. US naval officer. Born into a well-known Philadelphia family, Uriah Phillips ran away to sea at the age of ten. His rebellious nature resulted in six courts-martial. He became an officer, was discharged in 1855 and reinstated only after a two-year fight. In 1859 Levy served as commodore of the United States fleet in the Mediterranean for six months. Levy’s unorthodox behaviour coloured his whole career. Under his captaincy the S.S.Vandalia was the first American ship to maintain discipline without flogging. When a bill was brought before the Senate in 1850 to abolish flogging, Levy was among a small group of naval officers to campaign in its support. He wrote extensively on the subject of naval discipline and published A Manual of Informal Rules and Regulations for Men-of-War. Levy purchased Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s former estate, and restored it at great expense. It remained in his family until purchased by public subscription as a national monument.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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