Lombroso, Cesare

Lombroso, Cesare
   Italian pioneer of criminology. Lombroso, a medical man and a professor at Turin, laid the foundations of modern criminology. At first his work classified only the inherited physical and mental traits in the ‘born criminal’, but he later gave more recognition to factors of environment. He was an early supporter of penal reform and the rehabilitation of criminals. Among his many books, the major work published in English translation was Crime, its Causes and Conditions (1911). He became interested in the Zionist movement through Max NORDAU.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • LOMBROSO, CESARE — (1835–1909), Italian physician and criminologist. Born in Verona, Lombroso studied at Pavia, Padua, and Vienna. Lombroso took degrees in medicine and surgery in 1858. After his military service as a surgeon in the Italian army, he worked as a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Lombroso, Cesare — (1835–1909)    Born in Verona, Lombroso was a pioneer in the field of criminology. His early career was as an army surgeon, but he subsequently became professor of mental illness at the University of Pavia and, influenced by Darwinian ideas of… …   Historical Dictionary of modern Italy

  • Lombroso, Cesare — ▪ Italian criminologist born Nov. 6, 1835, Verona, Austrian Empire [now in Italy] died Oct. 19, 1909, Turin, Italy       Italian criminologist whose views, though now largely discredited, brought about a shift in criminology from a legalistic… …   Universalium

  • Lombroso, Cesare — ► (1836 1909) Antropólogo italiano. Fue elegido miembro ordinario del Consejo Sanitario de la provincia de Turín y presidente honorario de la Sociedad de ética de Londres. Autor de El hombre delincuente (1876), donde expone su famosa teoría del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lombroso, Cesare — (1836 1909) An Italian army physician who developed the theory of the criminal type. Although he modified his views over his life, he is primarily known for studying the physiognomies of criminals, and suggesting that much crime was biological… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Lombroso — Lombroso, Cesare …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lombroso — Cesare Lombroso Cesare Lombroso (* 6. November 1835 in Verona; † 19. Oktober 1909 in Turin) war ein italienischer Arzt, Professor der gerichtlichen Medizin und Psychiatrie. Er gilt als Begründer der kriminalanthropologisch ausgerichteten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cesare Lombroso — (* 6. November 1835 in Verona; † 19. Oktober 1909 in Turin) war ein italienischer Arzt, Professor der gerichtlichen Medizin und Psychiatrie. Er gilt als Begründer der kriminalanthropologisch ausgerichteten sogenannten Positiven Schule der K …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cesare Lombroso — Born 6 November 1835 …   Wikipedia

  • Cesare Lombroso — C. Lombroso Naissance 6 novembre 1835 Vérone …   Wikipédia en Français

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