MARCEAU, MARCEL — (1923– ), French mime. Marceau was born in Strasbourg, the son of a butcher who was executed by the Nazis during World War II. Marceau worked for the French underground, helping Jewish children to cross the border into Switzerland. In 1944, he… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Marceau, Marcel — born March 22, 1923, Strasbourg, France French mime. After serving in World War II, he studied with the pantomimist Étienne Decroux and had his first success in the role of Arlequin in Baptiste. He formed a mime troupe (1948–64) and earned… … Universalium
Marceau, Marcel — (1925 ) mime Marcel Marceau, who is considered to have almost personally revived the art of pantomime, was born Marcel Mangel, in strasbourg. A student of theater mimes, he first worked with the compagnie Dullin, then joined the compagnie… … France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present
Marceau,Marcel — Mar·ceau (mär sōʹ), Marcel. Born 1923. French mime whose most famous character is Bip, a sad faced clown. * * * … Universalium
Marceau, Marcel — pseud. di Mangel, Marcel … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Marceau, Marcel — (b. 1923) French mime. As a young man, he worked in the underground and helped smuggle Jewish children into Switzerland. He was regarded as the greatest exponent of mime … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Marceau, Marcel — (n. 22 mar. 1923, Estrasburgo, Francia). Mimo francés. Después de combatir en la segunda guerra mundial, estudió con el mimo Étienne Decroux. Obtuvo su primer éxito en el rol de Arlequín en Baptiste. Después formó una compañía de pantomima… … Enciclopedia Universal
Marcel Marceau — as Bip the Clown Born Marcel Mangel 22 March 1923(1923 03 22) Strasbourg, France … Wikipedia
Marcel Mangel — Marcel Marceau Pour les articles homonymes, voir Marceau. Marcel Marceau en 1977. Marcel Marceau, dit le mime Marceau, né Marcel Mangel le 22 mars 1923 à … Wikipédia en Français
Marcel Mangel — Marcel Marceau, 1977 Marcel Marceau (* 22. März 1923 in Straßburg, Frankreich; † 22. September 2007 in Paris, eigentlich Marcel Mangel) war ein berühmter Pantomime. Dem Publikum war er als „Bip“ vertraut, der tragikomische Clown im Ringelhemd mit … Deutsch Wikipedia