Mendelsohn, Erich

Mendelsohn, Erich
   German architect. Mendelsohn was an outstanding exponent of modern, functional architectural design and the use of free concrete forms. He left Germany in 1933 when Hitler came to power, and after a period in England lived for five years in Palestine. His buildings there include the Mount Scopus Hadassah Hospital, the Anglo-Israel Bank in Jerusalem, and the Weizmann home at Rehovot. In 1945 he settled in the United States.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • Mendelsohn, Erich — born March 21, 1887, Allenstein, Ger. died Sept. 15, 1953, San Francisco, Calif., U.S. German architect. While studying architecture in Munich, he was influenced by the Blaue Reiter group of Expressionist artists. Mendelsohn s Einstein Tower,… …   Universalium

  • Mendelsohn, Erich — (1887 1953)    architect; a leading exponent of functionalism. Born to a businessman of Russo Polish heritage in Allenstein, East Prussia, he studied architecture during 1908 1912. He took his doctorate in 1912 and came under the influence of… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Mendelsohn, Erich — ► (1887 1953) Arquitecto alemán. Autor del observatorio astronómico de Potsdam y los almacenes Schockem en Stuttgart. * * * (21 mar. 1887, Allenstein, Alemania–15 sep. 1953, San Francisco, Cal., EE.UU.). Arquitecto alemán. Mientras estudiaba… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • MENDELSOHN, Erich — (1887 1953)    See EXPRESSIONISM …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • Mendelsohn — Mendelsohn, Erich …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Erich Mendelssohn — Erich Mendelsohn (* 21. März 1887 in Allenstein (Ostpreußen); † 15. September 1953 in San Francisco, USA) war ein bedeutender Architekt des 20. Jahrhunderts. Am bekanntesten sind seine Werke der 1920er Jahre, die sich am ehesten als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Erich Mendelsohn — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Erich Mendelsohn (* 21 de marzo de 1887 en Allenstein (Prusia oriental), † 15 de septiembre de 1953 en San Francisco, EE. UU.) fue un reconocido arquitecto del siglo XX, máximo exponente de la arquitectura… …   Wikipedia Español

  • MENDELSOHN (E.) — MENDELSOHN ERICH (1887 1953) L’architecture pourrait n’être qu’un art du dessin. Les quinze cents esquisses de l’architecte allemand Mendelsohn, dont le corpus fut publié de mai 1962 à octobre 1964 par la revue Architettura , figureraient alors… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Erich Mendelsohn — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mendelsohn. La tour Einstein à Potsdam Erich Mendelsohn (Allenstein, 21 mars …   Wikipédia en Français

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