Adler, Victor

Adler, Victor
   Austrian labour leader. Born in Prague and taken to Vienna, Adler became a prominent figure in the international labour movement. He united the disorganized Austrian working classes into a strong political party, the Austrian Social Democratic Party (1888), and led its moderate wing. He became the editor of the influential socialist daily paper, Arbeiter Zeitung (1894), was a member of the Austrian parliament (1905–18), and for a few days in 1918 served as foreign minister in the revolutionary government. After his marriage Adler converted to Roman Catholicism and became an anti-Zionist.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • ADLER, VICTOR — (1852–1918), pioneer and leader of the Austrian Social Democratic party and a prominent figure in the international labor movement. Born in Prague, Adler was taken as a child to Vienna where his father became a rich man and, two years before his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Adler, Victor — ▪ Austrian politician born June 24, 1852, Prague, Bohemia, Austrian Empire [now in Czech Republic] died Nov. 11, 1918, Vienna, Austria       Austrian Social Democrat, founder of a party representing all the nationalities of Austria Hungary.… …   Universalium

  • Adler, Victor — (1852 1918)    Austrian politican. He was born in Prague. Even though he qualified as a physician, he devoted his life to the cause of the working class. He was a member of the Austrian parli ament from 1905 to 1918. He converted to Christia nity …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Victor Adler — (auch Viktor Adler; * 24. Juni 1852 in Prag; † 11. November 1918 in Wien) war österreichischer Politiker und Begründer der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei. Obwohl großbürgerlicher Herkunft und zuvor im Lager der Deutschnationalen aktiv… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Victor Adler — (écrit également Viktor), était un médecin et homme politique autrichien, né le 24 juin 1852 à Prague (actuelle République tchèque), mort le 11 novembre 1918 à …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ADLER (V.) — ADLER VICTOR (1852 1918) Né à Prague, d’une famille juive aisée, Victor Adler entre au collège à Vienne, ville dans laquelle il poursuit des études supérieures en chimie et en médecine. Militant du mouvement national radical allemand, dont le but …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Víctor Adler — Víctor Adler. Víctor Adler (24 de junio de 1852, Praga 11 de noviembre de 1918, Viena) fue un médico y político social demócrata austríaco. Padre fundador de la socialdemocracia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Adler — (Alfred) (1870 1937) médecin et psychanalyste autrichien. En 1911, insistant sur le sentiment d infériorité du névrosé face à la société, il se sépara de son maître Freud. Adler (Victor) (1852 1918) homme politique autrichien; l un des dirigeants …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Victor-Adler-Hof — Der Victor Adler Hof ist eine städtische Wohnhausanlage in Wien Favoriten. Sie befindet sich in der Triester Straße 57–65, an der stadteinwärts gelegenen Seite des Wienerberges. Baubeschreibung Der Victor Adler Hof wurde 1923–24 nach Plänen des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ADLER, FRIEDRICH — (1879–1960), prominent figure in the Austrian labor movement and secretary of the Socialist International. The son of victor adler , he was born in Vienna, studied physics in Switzerland, and lectured at Zurich University. Adler, who was baptized …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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