Schocken, Salman

Schocken, Salman
   Publisher and bibliophile. Schocken made a fortune through the department stores which he and his brother started in Germany. He built up a collection of rare Hebrew books and manuscripts, and founded a Research Institute for Medieval Hebrew Poetry. He was a patron of S.Y.AGNON at the start of his career, and founded publishing houses in Tel Aviv and New York. Schocken was an active Zionist for more than thirty years and in 1934 he acquired the Israel newspaper Ha’aretz. His library and Poetry Research Institute were incorporated into the Schocken Institute, Jerusalem, after his death.
   His son Gershom (b. 1902) became owner and editor of Ha’aretz and from 1955–9 represented the Liberal Party in the Knesset.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • SCHOCKEN, SALMAN — (1877–1959), Zionist, art and book collector, and publisher. Born at Margonin, province of Posen (now in Poland), in 1901 Schocken, together with his brother Simon, founded the concern of I. Schocken Soehne at Zwickau, which developed into a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Schocken, Salman — (1877 1959)    publisher; a bibliophile who derived a fortune from a chain of department stores. Born to a Jewish businessman in Posen, he studied business after attending Volksschule and in 1901 founded Zwickau s famous I. Schocken Sohne with… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Salman Schocken — (hebräisch שלמה זלמן שוקן, Schelomo Salman Schocken) (* 30. Oktober 1877 in Margonin bei Posen; † 21. August 1959 in Pontresina, Schweiz), war ein deutsch israelischer Kaufmann und Verleger jüdischen Glaubens. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schocken (Begriffsklärung) — Schocken steht für: Schocken, ein Würfelspiel im Rheinland und Westfalen, Kaufhaus Schocken, eine Warenhausgruppe Schocken Bücherei von 1933 bis 1939 in Berlin bestehender und von Salman Schocken gegründeter Buchverlag; nach der Emigration aus… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schocken (Kaufhaus) — Das Kaufhaus Schocken in Stuttgart, zeitgenössisches Foto Das ehemalige Kaufhaus Schocken in Chemnitz 2005 Unter der Bezeichnung Kaufhaus Schocken firmi …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SCHOCKEN — SCHOCKEN, family active in book publishing, Jewish culture, and newspaper publishing in Israel. The family dynasty was headed by salman schocken (1877–1959), Zionist, art and book collector, and publisher. Born at Margonin, province of Posen (now …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Salman Schocken — ( he. שלמה זלמן שוקן) (October 30, 1877, Margonin, Poland August 6, 1959, Pontresina, Switzerland) was a German Jewish publisher and businessman.Salman Schocken was the son of Jewish shopkeeper in Posen. [ [… …   Wikipedia

  • Schocken Department Stores — (Kaufhaus Schocken) was a chain of department stores in Germany before the Second World War.The company was found by Simon and Salman Schocken (1877–1959). After Simon had married into the owner family of Warenhaus Ury Gebrüder in Leipzig, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Schocken Books — ( Schocken Verlag ) is a publishing company that was established in Berlin with a publishing office in Prague in 1931 by the Schocken Department Store owner Salman Schocken. It published the writings of Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Franz Kafka …   Wikipedia

  • Schocken Department Store, Stuttgart — Schocken Department store in Stuttgart, Germany …   Wikipedia

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