Bellow, Saul

Bellow, Saul
(b. 1915)
   US novelist. Bellow was born in Montreal, Canada and as a child spoke English, French and Yiddish. He studied anthropology before becoming a writer. His first novel, Dangling Man, was published in 1944. He taught creative writing for a year at Princeton University and then was appointed a professor at the University of Chicago. Bellow’s novels show a wide range of Jewish experience, and the protagonist is often a Jew. The Victim (1947) is an unusual account of persecution. The Adventures of Augie March (1953) give a picaresque history of Chicago in the Depression. In Herzog (1964) and Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970) Bellow takes two different views of the frustration and despair of Jewish intellectuals attempting to deal with modern life. He has written a play, The Last Analysis (1965), and a collection of stories, Mosby’s Memoirs and Other Stories (1968). Since 1970 he has written To Jerusalem and Back (1974), Humboldt’s Gift (1975), The Dean’s December (1982), Him With His Foot in His Mouth (1984), More Die of Heartbreak (1986), A Theft (1989), The Bellarosa Connection (1989) and Something to Re-member Me By (1991). Among his numerous awards he has won the Pulitzer Prize, several National Book Awards and, in 1976, the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is generally recognized as one of the greatest figures of modern American letters.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • BELLOW, SAUL — (1915–2005), U.S. novelist. Author of 11 novels and numerous novellas and stories, Pulitzer Prize winner for Humboldt s Gift (1975), Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1976, and the only novelist to win three National Book Awards, for The… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bellow, Saul — born June 10, 1915, Lachine, near Montreal, Que., Can. died April 5, 2005, Brookline, Mass., U.S. Canadian born U.S. novelist. Born to an immigrant Russian Jewish family, he was fluent in Yiddish from childhood. His family moved to Chicago when… …   Universalium

  • Bellow, Saul — ► (1915 2005) Novelista estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Literatura en 1976. Su origen ruso y judío le hizo tomar conciencia de sus particularidades raciales y le sensibilizó ante los problemas étnicos en E.U.A. Destacan: La víctima (1947),… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bellow,Saul — Bel·low (bĕlʹō), Saul. Born 1915. Canadian born American writer whose novels, including The Dangling Man (1944) and Humboldt s Gift (1975), often concern an alienated individual within an indifferent society. He won the 1976 Nobel Prize for… …   Universalium

  • Bellow, Saul — (b. 1915)    American novelist. Born in Quebec, he lived in Montreal and Chicago. Many of his novels deal with Jewish life. The Victim (1947) is a treatment of anti Semitism. The Adventures of Augie March (1953) deals with the experience of a… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Bellow, Saul —    см. Беллоу, Сол …   Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии

  • Bellow — Bellow, Saul …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Bellow — (Saul) (né en 1915) romancier américain qui peint le déracinement de l homme dans les villes. P. Nobel 1976 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bellow — Bellow, Saul (1915 ) a US writer, born in Canada, who won the ↑Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976. His novels include Humbolt s Gift and Herzog …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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