BLOCH, FELIX — (1905–1983), U.S. physicist and Nobel Prize laureate. Bloch was born in Zurich. He studied first at the Federal Institute of Technology, where his interest in physics developed and he received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics under Heisenberg s… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Bloch, Felix — born Oct. 23, 1905, Zürich, Switz. died Sept. 10, 1983, Zürich Swiss born U.S. physicist. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1933 and taught at Stanford University (1934–71). He worked on atomic energy at Los Alamos and on radar countermeasures at… … Universalium
Bloch , Felix — (1905–1983) Swiss–American physicist Bloch was born in Zürich, Switzerland, and educated at the Federal Institute of Technology there and at the University of Leipzig, where he obtained his PhD in 1928. He taught briefly in Germany and in 1933… … Scientists
Bloch, Felix — (1905 83) Swiss American physicist. Born in Zurich, he studied engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. With the rise of Hitler, he settled in the US and took up a position at Stanford University. During World War II he was… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Bloch, Felix — ► (1905 83) Físico suizo. Fue premio Nobel de Física en 1952, compartido con E. M. Purcell, por el descubrimiento del método de las resonancias nucleares para el estudio del núcleo atómico. * * * (23 oct. 1905, Zurich, Suiza–10 sep. 1983, Zurich) … Enciclopedia Universal
Bloch — Felix … Scientists
Felix Bloch — Félix Bloch Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bloch. Felix Bloch. Felix Bloch (23 o … Wikipédia en Français
Bloch-Sphäre — Bloch Kugel Die Bloch Kugel wird in der Quantenmechanik verwendet, um Zustände von Qubits grafisch darzustellen. Benannt wurde sie nach dem Physiker Felix Bloch, der diese übersichtliche Illustration für Überlagerungen von Zuständen entwickelte.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bloch — Bloch, Conrad E. Bloch, Ernest Bloch, Ernst Bloch, Felix Bloch, Marc * * * (as used in expressions) Bloch, Ernest Bloch, Felix Bloch, Marc (Léopold Benjamin) Marcel Bloch … Enciclopedia Universal
BLOCH (F.) — BLOCH FELIX (1905 1983) Physicien suisse, naturalisé américain (1939), professeur à l’université de Stanford (Ca.), prix Nobel de physique (avec E. M. Purcell, 1952), Bloch a effectué de nombreux travaux théoriques et parfois expérimentaux, en… … Encyclopédie Universelle