Ephraim, Veitel Heine

Ephraim, Veitel Heine
   Banker. In association with the Jewish financiers Moses Isaak and Daniel ITZIG, Ephraim gained from the king of Prussia the lease of all six Prussian mints and two in Saxony. Facing economic ruin because of the enormous cost of the Seven Years’ War, Frederick the Great used these mints to strike counter-feit coins of neighbouring countries. As well as degrading the currency of his neighbours, Frederick frequently devalued the coinage in his own realm. As his agent, Ephraim was associated in the public mind with these unpopular measures. He was repeatedly attacked in popular pamphlets, street songs and sermons. But he was well rewarded by Frederick, and became one of the richest Jews in Berlin, where he lived in a splendid rococo mansion presented by the king.
   He was also one of the chief elders of the Jewish community, appointed to this office by the monarch. His autocratic ways and nepotism made him unpopular with his fellow Jews; however, he supported the community against the throne when the government tried to force it to accept a rabbi chosen by the king.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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