Hays, Arthur Garfield

Hays, Arthur Garfield
   US lawyer. As general counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, Hays became one of the most celebrated champions of constitutional rights in American history. Among the famous cases in which he appeared for the defence were the Dayton, Tennessee, prosecution of Scopes (with Clarence Darrow) for teaching evolution; the Sacco and Vanzetti trial; and the case of the Scottsboro Negroes put on trial for rape whose death sentences were set aside on appeal. After the Reichstag fire (1933), Hays came to Germany to defend the Communist accused, pleading through a German lawyer, since as a Jew he was not permitted to do so directly. After World War II, he worked with the Allied Occupation authorities to establish democratic institutions in Germany. He published several books on the struggle for civil rights and an autobiography, City Lawyer (1942).

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • HAYS, ARTHUR GARFIELD — (1881–1954), U.S. lawyer and civil liberties advocate. Hays, who was born in Rochester, New York, practiced law in New York for 20 years. In 1925 he abandoned his private practice to become general counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Hays, Arthur Garfield — (1881 1954)    Born in Rochester, New York, Arthur Hays graduated in law from Columbia University and became a successful corporate lawyer. He became counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union and was involved in the Scopes Trial (1925) and… …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

  • Hays, Arthur Garfield — ▪ American lawyer born Dec. 12, 1881, Rochester, N.Y., U.S. died Dec. 14, 1954, New York City       American lawyer who defended, usually without charge, persons accused in many prominent civil liberties cases in the 1920s.       Educated at… …   Universalium

  • Arthur Garfield Hays — (1881 1954) was born in Rochester, New York, on December 12, 1881. His father and mother, both of German descent, belonged to prospering families in the clothing manufacturing industry. After graduating from Columbia College in 1902 and Columbia… …   Wikipedia

  • Arthur Garfield Hays — noun United States lawyer involved in several famous court trials (1881 1954) • Syn: ↑Hays • Instance Hypernyms: ↑lawyer, ↑attorney …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hays — may mean:* Hays plc, British listed company. * Hay s Galleria, shopping mall and tourist attraction in London * Hays Code, set of motion picture industry guidelines;Places: * Hays, Kansas ** Hays Regional Airport * Hays, Montana * Hays, North… …   Wikipedia

  • Hays (surname) — Hays is the surname of:* Alexander Hays, a general in the Federal army during the American Civil War * Anna Mae Hays, first woman in the U.S. Army to be promoted to general * Arthur Garfield Hays, attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union * …   Wikipedia

  • Hays — [hāz] Arthur Garfield 1881 1954; U.S. lawyer & civil libertarian …   English World dictionary

  • Hays — noun 1. United States lawyer and politician who formulated a production code that prescribed the moral content of United States films from 1930 to 1966 (1879 1954) • Syn: ↑Will Hays, ↑William Harrison Hays • Instance Hypernyms: ↑lawyer, ↑attorney …   Useful english dictionary

  • Chester A. Arthur — 21st President of the United States In office September 19, 1881 – March 4, 1885 Preceded by …   Wikipedia

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