Locker, Berl

Locker, Berl
   Zionist labour leader. During his youth in Galicia, Locker worked as a Yiddish journalist and Zionist activist. A leader of the socialist Poalei Zion, he played an important part in Zionist politics and organization in many parts of Europe and in America before settling in Palestine in 1936. From 1938 he was head of the political bureau of the Jewish Agency in London and established many links between the labour movement in Palestine and the British Labour Party and trade unions. He helped to bring about the pro- Zionist resolutions carried by the Labour Party towards the end of the war. Locker was chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive in Jerusalem (1948– 56) and a Mapai member of the Knesset (1955–61). His wife Malke (b. 1887) was an important Yiddish poet and essayist.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • LOCKER, BERL — (1887–1972), Labor Zionist leader. Locker was born in Kriwiec, Galicia, and from 1902 he began to contribute to the Lemberg Labor Zionist newspaper, Der Yidisher Arbeiter, of which he later became editor. He organized the Po alei Zion party in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Locker, Berl — (1887 1972)    Israeli Labour Zionist leader. He was born in Galicia and became the editor of the Lemberg Labour Zionist newspaper. Before World War I he organized the Poale Zion party in the Austrian empire, and from 1916 he ran the world office …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Berl Locker — (ברל לוקר) est l un des leaders du Poale Zion. Il naît en 1887 en Galicie et en 1905 adhère au parti Poale Zion. Berl Locker devient par la suite membre du Conseil du travailleur sioniste, puis dirige à Londres le bureau du mouvement sioniste. Il …   Wikipédia en Français

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