Lopez, Roderigo

Lopez, Roderigo
   Marrano physician from Portugal. Born to Spanish Marrano parents, Lopez came to England in 1559 and was said to have been brought there as a prisoner by Sir Francis Drake. He was appointed house doctor of St Bartholomew’s Hospital, was made a member of the College of Physicians before 1569, was chief physician to the earl of Leicester, and from 1586 to Queen Elizabeth. Embroiled by the earl of Essex in political intrigues concerning Spain, Lopez was arrested as a traitor and accused of trying to poison the queen. During his trial the nominally Christian Lopez was referred to as ‘that vile Jew’. At first the queen refused to ratify the death sentence, but after several months she consented and he was hanged at Tyburn on 7 June 1594. It is fairly certain that he was innocent, though politically naïve. The case caused a revival of strong anti-Jewish feeling, and it is thought that Lopez may have been the inspiration for SHAKESPEARE’S Shylock.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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