Lubitsch, Ernst

Lubitsch, Ernst
   Film producer and director. After making his name as an actor in his native Germany, Lubitsch settled in Hollywood in 1922. With the coming of the ‘talkies’, he produced and directed sophisticated comedies, starring Maurice Chevalier and Jeannette MacDonald and especially Greta Garbo in Ninotchka (1939), advertised all over the world with the slogan ‘Greta Laughs’.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • LUBITSCH, ERNST — (1892–1947), film producer and director. Lubitsch was born in Berlin and gained early acting experience in max reinhardt s troupe. From 1913 he played comic parts in the movies, creating the role of Meyer or Moritz (archetypical Jewish names in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Lubitsch, Ernst — born Jan. 28, 1892, Berlin, Ger. died Nov. 30, 1947, Hollywood, Calif., U.S. German U.S. film director. He acted with Max Reinhardt s German stage company (1911–14) and in short film comedies, then turned to directing costume dramas that were the …   Universalium

  • Lubitsch, Ernst — (1892 1947)    actor, director, and film* producer; equally skilled at comedy, epic drama, and delicate vignette, he was the early Republic s most successful director. Born in Berlin* to a prosperous Jewish tailor, he began assisting his father… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Lubitsch, Ernst — ► (1892 1947) Realizador cinematográfico estadounidense. Creador de comedias desenfadadas. Películas: El abanico de la señora Windermere (1925), La viuda alegre (1934) y Ángel (1937), entre otras. * * * (28 ene. 1892, Berlín, Alemania–30 nov.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lubitsch, Ernst — • ЛЮ БИЧ (Lubitsch) Эрнст (28.1.1892 30.11.1947)    нем. и амер. режиссёр. Род. в Германии. В нач. 1910 х гг. был театр. комич. актёром. Сценич. мастерству обучался у М. Рейнхардта и нем. комика В. Арнольда. В кино с 1913 как актёр (ф. Фирма… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Lubitsch,Ernst — Lu·bitsch (lo͞oʹbĭch), Ernst. 1892 1947. German filmmaker whose sophisticated comedies include Trouble in Paradise (1932) and Ninotchka (1939). * * * …   Universalium

  • Lubitsch, Ernst —    см. Любич, Эрнст …   Режиссерская энциклопедия. Кино США

  • Lubitsch, Ernst — (1892 1947)    American film director, of German origin. Born in Berlin, he initially worked as a bookkeeper for his father. He appeared in various films, and began directing his own comedies. Later he went to the US and worked at Paramount …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Lubitsch — Lubitsch, Ernst …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lubitsch — Ernst Lubitsch Ernst Lubitsch (* 28. Januar 1892 in Berlin; † 30. November 1947 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA) war ein deutsch US amerikanischer Filmregisseur und Schauspieler …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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