Mandelstam, Osip Emilyevich

Mandelstam, Osip Emilyevich
   Russian poet. As a young poet, Polish-born Mandelstam belonged to the group that revolted against the fashionable symbolism and reverted to a purer and simpler style. His first volume of poetry, Kamen (‘Stone’), was published in 1913, and Tristia in 1922. He also wrote prose, essays and literary criticism that appeared in book form as The Noise of Time (Eng. 1965). This volume reveals that while he did not conceal his Jewish origin, he recoiled emotionally from it. He was arrested in 1934 during the Stalinist purges and died in a Siberian labour camp. His literary reputation continued to grow in Russia and, through translation, in the West. In 1971 his non-Jewish widow, Nadezhda, though living in Moscow, had a book published in England about their life together, under the title of Hope against Hope. It was hailed by the critics as a masterpiece.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • Mandelshtam, Osip Emilyevich — ▪ Russian poet Mandelshtam also spelled  Mandelstam   born Jan. 3 [Jan. 15, New Style], 1891, Warsaw, Pol., Russian Empire [now in Poland] died Dec. 27, 1938?, Vtoraya Rechka, near Vladivostok, Russia, U.S.S.R. [now in Russia]       major Russian …   Universalium

  • Mandelshtam, Osip (Emilyevich) — u Ósip Emílievich Mandelstam (15 ene. 1891, Varsovia, Polonia, Imperio Ruso–27 dic. 1938, Vtoraya Rechka, cerca de Vladivostok, Rusia, URSS). Poeta y crítico ruso. Publicó sus primeros poemas en 1910. Líder de los poetas acmeístas, se opuso al… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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