Moissan, Henri

Moissan, Henri
   French chemist and Nobel laureate, 1906. Moissan, whose mother was Jewish, was professor of inorganic chemistry at the Sorbonne from 1900. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1906 for his success in isolating the element fluorine. He was most famed for reputedly being the first chemist to transform carbon into its most spectacular and valuable form - a black diamond. The ‘discovery’ was disproved.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • MOISSAN, HENRI — (1852–1907), French inorganic chemist and Nobel Prize winner. Moissan was born in Paris of a non Jewish father and a Jewish mother. He joined the Ecole Supérieure de Pharmacie, where in 1886 he became professor of toxicology and in 1899 professor …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Moissan, Henri — ▪ French chemist in full  Ferdinand Frédéric Henri Moissan  born Sept. 28, 1852, Paris, France died Feb. 20, 1907, Paris  French chemist who received the 1906 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the isolation of the element fluorine and the development …   Universalium

  • Moissan, Henri — (1852 1907)    French chemist. He was professor of inorganic chemistry at the Sorbonne. In 1906 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Moissan, Henri — ► (1852 1907) Químico francés. Fue premio Nobel de Química en 1906, por sus servicios en el aislamiento del flúor y por la introducción del horno eléctrico …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Moissan — Moissan, Henri …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Henri Moissan — Naissance 28 septembre 1852 Paris (France) Décès 20 février 1907 (à 54 ans) Paris ( …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Moissan — Henri Moissan Henri Moissan Ferdinand Frédéric Henri Moissan (né à Paris le 28 septembre 1852 et décédé à Paris le 20 février 1907) était un pharmacien français. Il est principalement connu pour avoir isolé le premier le fluor …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Henri Moissan — Ferdinand Frederic Henri Moissan (* 28. September 1852 in Paris; † 20. Februar 1907 ebenda) war ein französischer Chemiker. Leben Ihm glückte es als erstem, am 26. Juni 1886 reines Fluor herzustellen. 1904 entdeckte Moissan im Meteoriten Krater… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Moissan — Henri Moissan Ferdinand Frederic Henri Moissan (* 28. September 1852 in Paris; † 20. Februar 1907 in Paris) war ein französischer Chemiker. Ihm glückte es als erstem, am 26. Juni 1886 reines Fluor herzustellen. 1893 entdeckte Moissan in einem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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