Molcho, Solomon

Molcho, Solomon
(c. 1500–32)
   Pseudo-messiah. Molcho was born Diogo Pieres in Lisbon, of Marrano parents. It seems that he studied Hebrew, rabbinic literature and maybe the Cabbala as a boy. On the arrival of David REUVENI in Portugal in 1525, Molcho was swept by messianic dreams, circumcized himself and announced himself a Jew, taking the name Molcho from the Hebrew word for king, melech. Fearing the Inquisition, he then left Portugal for Moslem Turkey, and settled in Salonika. Disciples gathered around him and he announced the coming of the Messiah for 1540. He published his messianic sermons in Salonika in 1529.
   Acting out the talmudic legend that the Messiah would be found among the sick and destitute at the gates of Rome, he dressed in rags and lived for thirty days among the beggars gathered on the bridge over the Tiber. Emboldened by a dream he had during this period, he began to preach in public, even gaining the protection of Pope Clement. When his prophecies of floods in Rome and Flanders and an earthquake in Lisbon seemed to be borne out by events in 1530– 1, he was widely regarded as the true messenger of God. Arrested by the Inquisition, Molcho was sentenced to death, but he was saved by the pope and another man was apparently burned in his place. Accompanied by Reuveni, he set off on a visit to Emperor Charles v in Regensburg for some unspecified purpose. The emperor had them clapped in chains and taken to Mantua, where Molcho was condemned to death and burned at the stake. It was widely believed by some Jews for years after that he had escaped death again and would re-emerge later.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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