Pinsker, Leon (Judah Leib)

Pinsker, Leon (Judah Leib)
   Early Zionist. Pinsker was born in Poland, studied law in Odessa, then switched to medicine at the University of Moscow. He served in the Crimean War and was decorated. After that, he opened a doctors practice in Odessa, and wrote for several Jewish weeklies, advocating a knowledge of the Russian language and culture. Shocked by the 1881 pogroms, he published a pamphlet calledAuto-Emancipation’, attributing anti-Semitism mainly to the homelessness of the Jews. Having lost their father- land, they were guests everywhere but at home nowhere. To survive, Russian Jews should emigrate. They should acquire a large tract of land (he talked vaguely of America or possibly Turkey) in which millions of Jews would live and create a nation of their own. ‘Help yourselves and God will help you!’ ‘Auto- Emancipationappeared anonymously in Berlin in 1882. Pinskers appeal was directed mainly to Western Jews; however, it caused a stir only in Russia.
   Like HERZL, Pinsker did not at first take into account the emotional appeal of Palestine as a homeland. Later he became a Zionist convert, and in 1883 participated in a meeting in Odessa at which the foundations of the Chibbat Zion movement in Russia were laid. In the following year, at the Kattowitz Conference, Pinsker was elected chairman.

Whos Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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