Pissarro, Camille

Pissarro, Camille
   French painter. Pissarro came from a French Sephardi family that had settled in the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. He spent his adult life in and near Paris, and became known chiefly as a painter of lyrical landscapes, based on close observation of nature. He was a founder and leading figure in the Impressionist school, and exhibited in all its group shows. He was influenced by Seurat’s pointillism, that achieved a brilliant surface by dots of primary colour.
   All Pissarro’s five sons became artists. One of them, Lucien (1863–1944), settled in England and was well known as a book designer and illustrator.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • PISSARRO, CAMILLE — (1830–1903), French painter. Born into a Sephardi family which had migrated from Bordeaux to the Virgin Islands, he was sent to a boarding school in Paris at the age of 12. At 17 he returned to St. Thomas to become a clerk in his father s general …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Pissarro, Camille — ▪ French artist Introduction in full  Jacob Abraham Camille Pissarro   born July 10, 1830, St. Thomas, Danish West Indies died November 13, 1903, Paris, France  painter and printmaker who was a key figure in the history of Impressionism. Pissarro …   Universalium

  • Pissarro, Camille — (1830 1903)    painter, lithographer    Camille Pissarro, an impressionist painter, was born in Saint Thomas, Antilles, and settled in Paris in 1855. He began a career in business but left to become an artist. He worked with camille corot, who… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Pissarro,Camille — Pis·sar·ro (pĭ särʹō, pē ), Camille. 1830 1903. French impressionist painter known for his rural scenes, including Orchard in Blossom (1877). * * * …   Universalium

  • Pissarro, Camille — ► (1830 1903) Pintor francés colaborador de Monet y Renoir en el perfeccionamiento de las teorías impresionistas. Sus cuadros describen en gran parte paisajes y escenas callejeras. Obras: Mujer bañándose, Muelles del Sena, Vistas de París y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Pissarro — Pissarro, Camille …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Camille Pissarro — (July 10 1830 ndash; November 13 1903) was a French Impressionist painter. His importance resides not only in his visual contributions to Impressionism and Post Impressionism, but also in his patriarchal standing among his colleagues,… …   Wikipedia

  • Camille Pissarro — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Camille Pissarro (* Saint Thomas, 10 de julio de 1830 † París, 13 de noviembre de 1903), fue un pintor impresionista. Pintor francés fundador del movimiento impresionista, como decano del impresionismo tuvo un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Camille Dalmais — Camille ist ein französischer Vorname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung 2 Bekannte Namensträger 2.1 männlich 2.2 weiblich // …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PISSARRO (C.) — PISSARRO CAMILLE (1830 1903) Moins populaire que Renoir et Monet, à première vue moins raffiné ou moins savant que Cézanne ou Degas, Pissarro est pourtant un acteur essentiel de l’impressionnisme, tant par son œuvre que par son rôle au sein du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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