
(3rd century)
   Babylonian amora. His real name was Abba ben-Aivu, but as he was regarded as the greatest Babylonian rabbi of his time, he was known simply as Rav (‘great’).
   Born in Babylon, he could trace his family back to King David. His parents sent him to Palestine to be taught by his uncle, HIYA, and he became the most brilliant pupil of JUDAH HA-NASI. However, he was never fully ordained, as the sages, recognizing his great talents and knowing he was going back home, did not want Babylonia to become more important than Palestine.
   Rav settled in Sura in Babylonia, where he founded his own academy, that quickly grew to become one of the most famous Torah centres of the period. Some twelve hundred regular pupils studied under Rav and his scholarship raised the status of Babylonia as a Jewish centre. In his public discourses, he constantly stressed the importance of the study of the Torah, saying ‘it is superior to the building of the Temple’.
   A contemporary and equally important school had been established at Nehardea under the other great Babylonian sage of the period, Mar SAMUEL. Rav and Samuel are regarded as the founders of the Babylonian Talmud and their discussions on halachah and aggadah fill many of its pages.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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