Rosenbaum, Seymon (Shimshon)

Rosenbaum, Seymon (Shimshon)
   Russian Zionist and Jewish leader. A Minsk lawyer, Rosenbaum was an active Russian Zionist and a regular delegate to the Zionist congresses. He was involved in the liberal movement in Russia and was elected to the short-lived Duma (parliament) in 1906. At the end of World War I, he was appointed deputy foreign minister in the first government of the new Lithuanian Republic, and represented it at the Paris Peace Conference. He was president of the National Council of Lithuanian Jewry and in 1923 was appointed minister of Jewish affairs in the government. He resigned the following year when Jewish autonomy was abolished, and settled in Palestine, where he helped found the Tel Aviv School of Law and Economics.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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