Beilis, Menahem Mendel

Beilis, Menahem Mendel
   Russian victim of a 1911 blood-libel charge. When the mutilated body of a twelve-year-old child was found in a cave on the outskirts of Kiev it led immediately to the accusation that he had been murdered by Jews to use his blood for ritual purposes. Four months later Beilis was arrested on spurious evidence. He spent two years in prison before being brought to trial, during which time protests both inside and outside Russia were ignored. When the case came to trial the prosecution’s case was so weak that the jury found him not guilty. Beilis left Russia and lived for a while in Palestine before emigrating to the United States in 1920. The case formed the subject of Bernard MALAMUD’S novel The Fixer (1966).

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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