Caracalla, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
- Caracalla, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Roman emperor 211–17. Caracalla, who succeeded his father Septimus Severus in 211, continued the policy of rapprochement between the empire and the Jews. It was no longer necessary for a Jew to take the pagan oath before being allowed to hold public office, though this was a doubtful honour, as it usually involved the duty to collect unpopular taxes. In the light of this, Rabbi Jochanan gave good advice to his fellow-Palestinians: ‘If they elect thee to the council, make the Jordan thy boundary.’ Yet the emperor’s gesture was a step towards equality, and this was augmented in 212 when Caracalla, in order to increase his taxes, granted Roman citizenship to all free men residing within the empire. Caracalla is believed to have been personally well-disposed towards the Jews. This friendship is commemorated on an inscription found in a synagogue at Kaysoun, Galilee. The Antoninus who befriended JUDAH HA-NASI is believed by some scholars to have been Caracalla.
Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament.
Joan Comay .
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CARACALLA, MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS° — CARACALLA, MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS°, Roman emperor 211–217, the eldest son of Emperor septimius severus . The reign of Caracalla was a continuation of the period of rapprochement between the Roman Empire and the Jewish people begun by his… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Caracalla, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus — (186–217) Roman emperor … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus — bezeichnet folgende Personen: Mark Aurel (121–180), römischer Kaiser von 161 bis 180 Commodus (161–192), römischer Kaiser von 180 bis 192 Caracalla (188–217), römischer Kaiser von 211 bis 217 Elagabal (204–222), römischer Kaiser von 218 bis 222 … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Marcus Aurelius — Not to be confused with Aurelian. Marcus Aurelius 16th Emperor of the Roman Empire Bust of Marcus Aurelius in the Glyptothek, Munich … Wikipedia
MARCUS Aurelius Antonius Bassianus — dictus Caracalla, Severo patri successit, imperavitque A. M. 4174. A. C. 212. Hic Lugauni genitus est, dictusque Bassianus, ex avi materni nomine, Caracalla autem, quod cum e Gallia vestem plurimam devexisset, talaresque caracallas fecisset,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Marcus Aurelius Probus — Probus 47th Emperor of the Roman Empire Bust of Probus Reign 276 – September/October, 282 … Wikipedia
CARACALLA — (188 217) empereur romain (211 217) Caracalla retient l’attention, comme Caligula, Domitien ou Commode, parce qu’il joignait un certain déséquilibre psychologique à un pouvoir politique absolu. Il est né à Lyon en 188. Son père, Septime Sévère,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
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Caracalla — Puschkin Museum Caracalla (* 4. April 188 in Lugdunum, dem heutigen Lyon; † 8. April 217 in Mesopotamien) war von 211 bis zu seinem Tod römischer Kaiser. Sein offizieller Kaisername war Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus. Caracalla … Deutsch Wikipedia