Frischmann, David

Frischmann, David
   Polish Hebrew and Yiddish writer. David Frischmann, born near Lodz in Poland, was something of a prodigy, publishing poems and short stories at the age of fifteen. He edited several periodicals, the best known being Ha-Dor and Ha-Tekufah. Frischmann was non-observant, and felt that the modern Jew did not need the sanction of traditional ritual. He welcomed the colonization in Palestine, which he visited in 1911 and 1912, as a means of revitalizing Hebrew. Frischmann’s work was devoted to improving the literary standards of Hebrew, and he translated the best works of Russian, German and English authors. His poetry was directed against bigotry, while his essays were criticisms of contemporary events.
   Several collections of Frischmann’s works have been published.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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