Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf

Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
   German-British biochemist and Nobel laureate, 1953. Krebs had done important research work on amino acids and urea in his native Germany before migrating to England when HITLER rose to power. He became professor of biochemistry first at Sheffield University (1945) then at Oxford University (1954). For his work in discovering the citric acid cycle he shared the 1953 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. The ‘Krebs cycle’ involved the process by which foodstuffs are converted inside the body to carbon dioxide, water and energy. Krebs was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1947 and was knighted in 1958.

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • KREBS, SIR HANS ADOLF — (1900–1981), British biochemist and Nobel Prize winner. Krebs was born in Hildesheim, Germany, and pursued research with otto heinrich warburg at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology in Berlin for four years, subsequently working at Professor …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Krebs,Sir Hans Adolf — Krebs (krĕbz, krĕps), Sir Hans Adolf. 1900 1981. German born British biochemist who discovered the Krebs cycle (1936). He shared a 1953 Nobel Prize for investigations into metabolic processes. * * * …   Universalium

  • Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf — born Aug. 25, 1900, Hildesheim, Ger. died Nov. 22, 1981, Oxford, Eng. German born British biochemist. He fled Nazi Germany for England in 1933, where he taught at the Universities of Sheffield and Oxford. He was the first to describe the urea… …   Universalium

  • Krebs , Sir Hans Adolf — (1900–1981) German–British biochemist Krebs, the son of an ear, nose, and throat specialist, was born in Hildesheim, Germany, was educated at the universities of Göttingen, Freiburg, Munich, Berlin, and Hamburg, obtaining his MD in 1925. He… …   Scientists

  • Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf — (25 ago. 1900, Hildesheim, Alemania–22 nov. 1981, Oxford, Inglaterra). Bioquímico británico nacido en Alemania. En 1933 huyó de la Alemania nazi a Inglaterra, donde enseñó en las universidades de Sheffield y Oxford. Fue el primero en describir el …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Sir Hans Adolf Krebs — noun English biochemist (born in Germany) who discovered the Krebs cycle (1900 1981) • Syn: ↑Krebs, ↑Hans Adolf Krebs • Instance Hypernyms: ↑biochemist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hans Adolf Krebs — noun English biochemist (born in Germany) who discovered the Krebs cycle (1900 1981) • Syn: ↑Krebs, ↑Sir Hans Adolf Krebs • Instance Hypernyms: ↑biochemist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hans Adolf Krebs — Sir Hans Adolf Krebs (* 25. August 1900 in Hildesheim; † 22. November 1981 in Oxford) war ein deutscher, später britischer Mediziner und Biochemiker. Er wirkte ab 1945 als Professor an der Universität Sheffield und erhielt für die Entdeckung des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hans Adolf Krebs — Sir Hans Adolf Krebs (Hildesheim, Alemania, 25 de agosto de 1900 Oxford, Inglaterra, 22 de noviembre de 1981) es un bioquímico alemán, ganador del Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina en el año 1953. Cursó estudios de Medicina, Biología y… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hans Adolf Krebs — Sir Hans Adolf Krebs(1900 1981). Nació el 25 de agosto de 1900 en Hildesheim, Alemania. Cursa estudios de Medicina, Biología y Química en la universidad de Gotinga. Friburgo de Brisgovia, Múnich y Berlín; en esta última trabaja con Otto Wasburg,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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