Muni, Paul

Muni, Paul
(Muni Weisenfreud)
   Actor. Paul Muni’s family emigrated to the United States from Poland in 1902, settling in Chicago. An actor from the age of twelve, he graduated to Hollywood films from the Yiddish Art Theatre in New York. He became famous for the biographical roles in The Story of Louis Pasteur, for which he received an Oscar as best actor in 1936, The Life of Emile Zola (1937) and Juarez (1939). MUNK, Solomon 1803–67. French orientalist. Born in Silesia, Munk became keeper of Semitic manuscripts in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, and an authority on medieval Hebrew and Arabic literature. In 1864 he was appointed professor of Hebrew and Syriac literature at the Collège de France, although he had by then gone blind. His major work was a new edition and French translation of MAIMONIDES’ Guide of the Perplexed (1856–66).

Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament. . 2012.

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  • MUNI, PAUL — (Muni Weisenfreund; 1895–1967), U.S. actor. He started acting at the age of 12 in Chicago. maurice schwartz recognized his talent and persuaded him to join his new Yiddish speaking Jewish Art Theater in 1918. Muni got his first real opportunity… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Muni, Paul — ▪ American actor original name  Muni Weisenfreund  born September 22, 1895, Lemberg, Austria [now Lviv, Ukraine] died August 25, 1967, Montecito, Calif., U.S.       American stage and film actor acclaimed for his portrayals of noted historical… …   Universalium

  • Muni, Paul — (1895 1967)    Actor Paul Muni was born Meshilem Meier Weisenfreund in Galicia (now Ukraine). His family immigrated to the United States in 1902, and Muni first appeared on stage in Yiddish theater in 1907. His first Broadway appearance was in We …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

  • Muni, Paul — (1895 1967)    A native of Lemberg, Austria, Meshilem Meier Weisenfreund immigrated with his parents, Yiddish theatre actors, to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1902. He made his debut in Yiddish theatre in 1908, often cast as a female or old man, but in… …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

  • Muni, Paul — • МУ НИ (Muni) Пол (Пауль) (наст. имя и фам. Фредерих Майер Вайзенфройнд, Weisenfreund) (22.9.1895 25.8.1967)    амер. актёр. Выступал в нью йоркском евр. т ре, с 1926 на Бродвее. В 1929, начав сниматься в кино, принял псевд. М. В 1932 в ф. Лицо… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Muni, Paul — pseud. di Weisenfreund, Paul …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Muni, Paul — ► (1897 1967) Actor cinematográfico estadounidense. Películas: Scarface, Doctor Sócrates, Luis Pasteur, entre otras …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Muni, Paul (Weissenfreund, Muni) — (1895 1967)    American actor. He began acting at the age of 12 in Chicago and in 1918 joined the Yiddish Art Theatre in New York. He appeared in numerous plays on Broadway as well as in films …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Paul Muni — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Paul Muni Paul Muni (Lviv, Imperio Austrohúngaro, 22 de septiembre de 1895 Montecito, Estados Unidos, 25 de agosto de 1967) fue un actor muy versátil de la época dorada de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Muni — is a common abbreviation for municipal or a city related service or organization: The Muny, an outdoor musical theatre in St. Louis, Missouri Municipal bond San Francisco Municipal Railway, the public transit agency for San Francisco, California… …   Wikipedia

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